Chef de Partie - winter season

Preparation and distribution of all daily meals according to food manual (menu cycle), Responsible for a section in the galley, Co-responsible for achieving and maintaining the company standards and budgets in the food department, Assistance to the Executive Chef in ordering food supplies, Assistance with the loading of the ship’s supplies, Co-responsible for proper storing of all food and galley supplies and stock, Co-responsible for the correct handling of all food stock, products and all equipment in the food department.

Obor: kuchař
Praxe v oboru: min. 2 roky
Místo výkonu: loď bude upřesněna, Dunaj


- English spoken
- Completed vocational training or experience as a chef
- 1 year of professional experience as a Junior Chef in a comparable catering outlet
- Objectivity, stress resistance, high sense of cleanness and hygiene
- EU Passport


- Monthly basic salary transferred to a bank account of choice
- Tip equally shared through all crew members, average of 500-600 Euro per month
- Vacation days: every month you will earn vacation days on cumulative basis, after 3-4 month you
will go on vacation for 14-42 days, in average employee goes on vacation two times during the
- Insurance – employee will receive private health insurance throughout the contract, accident and
death and permanent and total disability, salary continuation is paid after sick leave longer than
42 days
Posláním životopisu, souhlasím se zpracováním osobních údajů dle zákona č. 101/2000 Sb. viz sekce Pošlete nám CV

Vaše mzdové ohodnocení bude činit:

min. 1 300 €

Mám zájem o nabízenou pozici

Souhlasím se zpracováním osobních údajů dle zákona č. 101/2000 Sb.

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Říční lodní sezóna 2024 zimní sezóna
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